College of Wooster students attend mGluRs

2018 mGluRs

On Saturday, September 2018, 4 College of Wooster science majors and 2 Neuroscience faculty attended the 10th Annual mGluRs (Midwest Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium) at OWU.  mGluRs is an undergraduate Neuroscience symposium, specifically scheduled for the fall so that students who completed summer research can present their work to a regional scientific audience.  All 4 student presented their summer research, participated in a regionally focused Graduate and Professional school fair and heard a keynote talk on Depression: Listening to what the brain can tell us by Dr. Janet Best, OSU Mathematics Professor.

They also met up with some friends from the 2018 Summer REU program


2015 mGluRs

On Saturday, October 3rd, 2015, 18 College of Wooster science majors and 3 Neuroscience faculty attended the 7th Annual mGluRs (Midwest Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium).  mGluRs is an undergraduate Neuroscience symposium, specifically scheduled for the fall so that students who completed summer research can present their work to a regional scientific audience.  Two students from Wooster presented their summer work:  Anna Damato discussed her research from a summer internship at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and Megan Mey discussed her research from a summer internship at the College of Wooster.  In addition, all students participated in a regionally focused Graduate and Professional school fair and heard a keynote talk on the negative impacts of light at night by Randy Nelson, OSU Neuroscience Professor.

mGLuRs attendees